If you google hygge, you're likely to come across beautiful Danish living spaces, Instagram-worthy photos of people chilling in their warm homes during the cold winter days, an abundant number of woollen garments, and more. 

But what is the hygge lifestyle about and how it translates into fashion? 

What is hygge Exactly and what country is hygge from? Well, it originated in Denmark, but has now spread worldwide.

According to the Hygge House:   

"Hygge (pronounced hue-guh, not hoo-gah) is a Danish word used when acknowledging a feeling or moment, whether alone or with friends, at home or out, ordinary or extraordinary as cosy, charming or special."

How do you embrace hygge?

Hygge is about being present in the moment, appreciating the simple things in life, winding down after a busy day at work, and enjoying life one moment at a time. 

Danes invented hygge to combat long, cold, drab winter days. Hygge, therefore, encouraged simple rituals, such as lighting a candle or enjoying a steaming cup of tea with your loved ones. 

Many people deal with seasonal affective disorder, i.e. depression caused by the winter climate and hygge is a simple way to introduce some light into those difficult months. Simple things that will let you enjoy everyday moments can go a long way for one's mental health. 

Small, but comforting rituals shouldn't take a lot of effort or money.

The Commercialisation of Hygge

Hygge is more than an aesthetic for Danish people. It sums up what they value as the nation, and it is not something you can buy. 

When the term was first introduced to people outside the Scandinavian countries, it was misinterpreted as a lifestyle and commercialised

Basically, you could indulge in the hygge lifestyle, and overall enjoy the moment by merely spending some cash. 

Anyone who delved a bit deeper into the hygge origins knows that is not what the term is really about.

Ironically, the commercialisation of hygge occurred in countries with rising hustle culture that goes in hand with overworking, and even the burnout that follows excessively long work hours. 

They might have recognised the need for connecting with others and finding their time to slow things down after work. Space can feel us a certain way and coming home to hygge-inspired home can help get you into a state of relaxation. 

Danes are one of the happiest people in the world because they value their free time and categorically separate their professional lives and personal lives. 

Moreover, it must also be said that it is not typical to overwork yourself there, and Danish employers do not expect that from their employees. 

How to Dress Hygge? 

Besides living spaces, hygge also found its way into the fashion industry.

The hygge fashion style makes us long for those snowy winter days, more than any other style. It shows us that we can be fashionable, even in extreme weather. 

Besides being mindful of the moment, being comfortable is also essential if you want to introduce hygge in your life.

Hygge fashion is all about being warm and cosy in thick and knitted socks, scarves, gloves, sweaters, etc. 

Don't be afraid of colour because adding a bit of colour in your winter outfits can lift your mood. If you need tips on introducing some colour into your fashion style – don't stress – you're not alone.

Most of the hygge inspired fashion looks can be created with the things you would wear during the colder months anyway and thus probably already own. 

Therefore, even though the hygge-inspired aesthetic is cosy and can help you combat the cold winter days, remember why hygge was invented and let the cosy outfits remind you to take a minute for yourself and slow things down. 

Final Word

Hygge might have been misinterpreted as it gained in popularity, but we can still learn a lot about life from this simple concept.

It reminds us as to what matters in life and how to prioritise not only our busy days but also how to slow down and bask in the stillness of life.

Fashion-wise, it reminds us that we can be comfortable and stylish in spite of the cold winter months.  

About me

Combining my love for fashion and writing, I completed a masters in journalism and public relations all whilst working in the fashion industry.


I could go on and on about why I would make the perfect copywriter for you, but that would take months, years even.


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