What do Adidas, Dior, Cartier, Levi’s and Victoria’s Secret have in common?

They’re well-known, loved and established fashion brands. Also, they all have a blog on their websites.

Even big names that have already amassed a large following of loyal customers see the value of blog lead generation. 

That is, having a dedicated space where people can form genuine connections and learn more about the company’s work.

It's not a secret. It just works. Customers love to connect with brands. 

And a blog will help you do that. It's a well-known fact.

As a lesser-known e-commerce brand that wants to stand out and take up space in the industry, should you follow in their fashionable footsteps?

After years of writing blog posts, we share when blog articles belong in your overall marketing strategy.

As a bonus, we explore when you might not need a blog on your website.

Pros of Adding a Blog to Your Website

What do blogs do for your brand? When done right, quality content:

  • Builds long-lasting bonds with your audience

  • Helps you become the authority in your area of expertise

  • Position your brand’s product as the solution

  • Improves SEO and ranking of your website

How might that look in practice?

Connect With Your Audience

Blogs create a space for deeper, more meaningful conversations with your target customers. Within it, you can build communities, discuss topics that matter and help the audience envision your brand’s product within their lifestyle.

For example, to show they’re a brand that cares, Adidas recently published a blog post about their new campaign, “The Ridiculous Run”.

The brand’s research raises awareness about the reality of many women who don’t feel safe while jogging. 

Women take precautions such as texting loved ones their location, having only one ear pod in, and wearing loose-fitting garments.

Levi’s latest post brought together people from different walks of life to showcase their deep connection with the brand. 

What do they have in common? 

They all have their own story about Levi’s first-ever blue jeans, dubbed 501 Original.

Build Authority in Your Industry

Insights into your industry show customers that you know what you’re talking about. 

Educational posts build trust. 

Give them a unique sneak peek into the industry. 

Teach them new ways how to wear your pieces. 

Provide value.

Cartier published a blog article about taking apart vintage watches to uncover clues to their intricate history and reveal human stories behind the unique pieces. 

An insider look reveals who made them, how often they were repaired, what were the tell-tale signs of counterfeit products, and more.

Such posts are an intriguing way for watch enthusiasts to learn more about the brand and its long heritage while reestablishing Cartier as the authority on the subject. 

Become the Solution to Their Problems

When your dream customers have a problem (e.g. need a piece of clothing for a special occasion), you want them to discover your site — because that’s when they’re in a buying mood.

Blog content helps you position your brand as the solution the customers are searching for:

  • Do they need shoes that make them light on their feet after long hospital shifts?

  • A wedding dress that makes the groom weep (with joy)?

  • Unique jewellery that gets them a lot of compliments?

  • Sustainable summer dresses designed for Instagram-worthy photos?

Lingerie? The first brand that comes to mind is Victoria’s Secret.

Jewellery? Tiffany & Co.

Yoga pants? Lululemon.

Whatever your thing is — you want them to think of you

With blogs, you can get them to know you better and see what you do best.

Have Regular Visitors On Your Website

Blogs are the key to great Search Engine Optimization (SEO) on your e-commerce site. 

Quality content paired with good SEO practices is a winning combination for increasing organic traffic.

The Internet is made of links. 

Your blog gives you plenty of opportunities to improve the SEO of your entire website by interlinking it.

Also, more content allows you to add relevant keywords and increase the ranking of your fashion brand.

True, SEO is more than adding keywords to text. And algorithms are changing all the time.

However, when done right, a website with a regular blog gets more visitors that become loyal and buying customers.

Cons of Having a Blog On Your Website

Don’t have a blog section on your site if you:

  • Lack of resources to maintain and write blog articles — you can always delegate the task to freelance copywriters and content writers

  • Already generate the majority of your revenue from other channels — putting all your eggs in one basket is not always the best strategy, but increasing organic search and ranking high on Google is not a priority for many brands, and we respect that

  • Expect instant results — it takes a couple of months, but once your blog picks up traffic, posts will bring customers to your site for years to come

Let’s take a closer look at these.

No Money or Time to Write High-Quality Blog Posts

On average, it takes around four and a half hours to write a high-quality and well-researched blog post of up to a thousand words — the kind of time you might not have, especially if you lack experience with that type of writing.

From researching topics to writing engaging articles that also make the algorithm gods happy, it’s important to keep this in mind. 

But it’s worth it. 

With regular publishing of blog posts on the Word Nerd site, we’ve managed to triple the traffic in three months.

After launching a blog for one of our clients in the tourism sector, we increased traffic on the website by 1,483%. In a month. 

Just as high-quality blog posts elevate your brand to new heights, poor quality scathes the image of your company.

Most companies outsource this task to freelance writers. 

This is because they know the best SEO practices that will rank you higher on Google.

Also, they know how to write in a way that sells, engages, and inspires — helps your audience connect with your brand. 

And eventually, sell to your dream customer.

You Already Make Bank Via Other Channels

The website might not be your priority if you already generate revenue via other streams — be it social media or affiliate marketing.

Ranking high on Google is not your current strategy.

That’s okay.

Blogs Are a Long-Term Strategy, Not a Quick Fix

Increasing traffic with a blog is a long game.

These tasks can be time-consuming, from writing and publishing blog posts consistently (at least once a week) and providing readers with value with each article.

Google can’t work its magic right away, either. On average, it takes 3–6 months for the search engines to gain traction.

 But once you start getting results with quality content – it’s game on.

In short, if you want instant, short–term results, invest in Google or Facebook Ads.

However, if you want to create a resource that will generate new leads for years, blog articles are your go-to strategy.

Final Word

Is the blog section on a website the right choice for your clothing brand?

Blog articles increase traffic, form emotional and deeper connections with your customers, and position you as the brand with authority within your industry. 

Someone they can trust and rely on in their hour of need.

When done right, blogs convert your audience into your new friends and then transform your new friends into loyal customers.

We understand that writing blogs takes time and requires consistency.

Want to increase your traffic with high-quality blog articles?

Get in touch. 

Let’s talk about the strategy that suits your business the most.

About me

Combining my love for fashion and writing, I completed a masters in journalism and public relations all whilst working in the fashion industry.


I could go on and on about why I would make the perfect copywriter for you, but that would take months, years even.


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